How Readable Is My Blog?

blog readability test
I found a readability test recently and thought it would be interesting to find the reading level of my blog.  I expected to get a high school or maybe undergrad level.  So I was really surprised to get genius (I actually thought it was broken - I had to check a bunch of other blogs to make sure it didn't say genius for everybody).  Does it really take a genius to understand what I'm writing?  I always thought that politics was a fairly simple topic.  You simply take a logical look at various issues and, applying all of the known variables, find a solution that best fits the...

OK, maybe it's not so simple but it is important.  What's the point of electing representatives if we have no understanding of what it is they do?  How do we hold them accountable?  We live in a complex world full of complicated problems.  Simple rhetoric and campaign slogans are not going to solve our problems.

I sincerely hope you don't have to be a genius to understand my blog or politics in general.  It is a topic that affects the lives of every American (politics that is, not my blog) and ignorance is definately NOT bliss.


The test is flawed...not because I don't think you write Genuis=level posts, but because I tested mine.
I got 'jr high' for my overall blog, and was sooo depressed and embarrased about it. I got to thinking that maybe a couple of my individual posts might be a little more advanced. After testing the majority of my posts individually, every one of them tested in the Genuis category. Hmmmm...
Jeff said…
I guess it's a little like the psychic hotline - "for entertainment purposes only".
Cory said…
I love reading your blog Jeff! You and Kristina just inspire me with your clarity and variety of thoughts. I am not even going to test my blog- its mostly pictures! I think you are who your friends are - so that makes me genuis right?!
Kristina said…
You better believe it Kaylynn. Although I am not sure you can trust my opinion, Jeff tested my blog and got "High school".
Anonymous said…
Looks like that website has gone down.

Here's another readability test website. It's dead easy to use too!